Thursday, December 12, 2013

Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:25

     Everyone has some burden they have to bear from the very young to the very old. It is different from one person to another, but it is still there. We all need someone that can help us bear up under the burdens, and that someone is Christ. It is only through him that we find rest. He reaches out to us in love waiting for us to take his hand, and let him pull us up out of the depths of our despair.You need to give your heart and life into his care. Call out to him now, and receive him as your Lord and Savior. He has been waiting for you so long. Don't leave him waiting any longer. It is not complicated. It is just the sincere cry of the heart, Father forgive me, and come into my heart, and life. I surrender all to you right now. I want to be your child, and live and walk with you. Thank you Jesus for hearing me and answering me. I belong to you, and from this day forward I will walk with you.
     It is that simple. Now you need to start reading the word, and talking to Christ every day. Talk to him like the friend he is. You can share everything with him. Get into a church where you can begin to grow in the Lord and in the word. Everyday praise him for the good in your life. He is there with you as your constant companion. You will never be alone again.
 I will be praying for you. God knows who you are, and will direct my prayers. God Bless you!