
                                                          "A Shopping Trip for Mom"

                                                             By Kathleen Hadley

     Mrs. Hendricks was up early baking pies for the fair. " I'll just set these on the sill to cool." She felt very pleased with her creations." I think my rhubarb pie is exceptionally good. I wonder if the family is right. Maybe I should have entered it in the contest. Well, It is to late now. I've got to get the first prize cherry pie baked for the three legged race." She busied herself with its preparation.
     "Morning! The kitchen sure smells good. What's for breakfast?" Ronny asked.
     " Just get a bowl of cereal. I'm busy getting the food for the fair ready." Mrs. Hendricks smiled. Tell Sarah and your Dad to hurry up. You all want to get there in time to enter the contest, and spend sometime looking at the booths."
     Ronny yelled at the top of his lungs, " Dad, Sarah, hurry up!" Ronny gobbled up his cereal and disappeared.
Mrs. Hendricks could hear whispering in the living room. "I wonder what that is all about." The door closed. " They didn't even say good bye. I hope they remember where we are suppose to meet."
     She glanced at the clock. They had plenty of time to enter into the contest. The deadline was 10:00 AM. They have an hour and a half. She looked out the window just in time to see Ronny running away with one of her pies. She flapped her arms wildly up and down in the air and yelled, " Ronald Hendricks get back here with that pie." He paid no attention and just kept running.
     " What is that boy thinking? When I get my hands on him....." She huffed.
Ronnie ran to the corner where Dad and Sarah were waiting in the car.
     I did it! I got the pie!" Ronny said triumphantly.
     We've got to hurry nif we are going to enter it in the Best Rhubarb Dessert Contest. Get in," Dad said.
     "Don't forget that we are going to enter the Three Legged Race," Sarah said. " That will be fun even if it is with my brother,." She stuck her tongue out, and made a face at Ronny.
     " You're such a baby," Ronny said.
     They had plenty of time to get entered into the contest. " Won't you're Mom be pleased if she wins that contest, and gets the hundred dollar prize? We all know how she likes to shop. I'll enter your mother's piein the Best Rhubarb dessert contest, and you two run along aand get entered in the Three Legged Race. Then I am going to look at the booths, " Dad said.
     "Can we ride on the rides?" Ronny and Sarah were jumping up and down.
     "Go ahead, but don't forget to watch the time. Meet us at the picnic tables at 12:30 sharp. We don't want to keep your Mother waiting,"Dad said.
     They all went off to enjoy their activities. Ronny and Sarah entered the race, and headed for the rides, while Dad enjoyed looking at the booths. At 12:30 sharp he headed for the car to help Mrs. Hendricks unload the food for lunch. Ronny and Sarah came running up with big smiles on their faces. They were having so much fun. They were both talking at once.
     "Whoa!" Dad said. "Slow down, and help us get lunch out of the car."
     They carried lunch to the table, and they all chatted as Mom set things up with Sarah's help.
     "It is only an hour until the race, so we better eat light," Sarah suggested as Ronny loaded his plate with food.
     "We better practice. We've got to be in sync," Ronny suggested with his mouth full. Food sprayed everywhere.
     "Hey, In Sync. You mean like the group," Sarah said.
     " You're so dumb some times, Pimple Face," Ronny said.
     "Like you have room to talk," Sarah shot back.
     "Eat your lunches, and stop arguing," Mom said.,
     It wasn't long before the contestants were called over the PA system for the Three Legged Race. Ronny and Sarah ran over to get their legs tied together. They were definitely not working together as they fell down.
     "We've got to do better then this if we are going to win. That pie would sure taste good for dessert." They fell in a tangled heap again.
     " What makes you think we will win?" Sarah asked as they tried to untangle their arms and legs, and stand up. " We've got to get to the starting line. Work with me. " She poked Ronny and he yelled.
     "Hey, that hurt."
     The annoucer said,":Are you ready?"
     Everyone yelled,"Yes."
     He fired the cap gun and they were off.
     Ronny and Sarah were trying to hold each other up. People were in tangled heaps here and there, and everyone was laughing and cheering.
     "We're going to win ," Yelled Ronny as they struggled ahead.
     The team beside them was struggling, and they fell to the ground. Ronny and Sarah were across the finish line. They tumbled to the ground laughing and yelling.
     "WE WON!"
     Mom and Dad were there to congratulate them. They were presented with the first prize pie amidst much lhollering and laughing.
     "Now we have dessert. Let's eat it," Mrs. Hendricks said.
     She cut them each a piece of pie, and they chewed happily.
     Mrs. Hendricks suddenly stopped chewing. "I made a rhubarb pie for dessert, and Ronny took it.  Where is my rhubarb pie? Did you eat it Ronald Hendricks?"
     Mrs Berry, one of the judges from the Rhubarb dessert contest walked up. She was smiling, " I guess you are all winners. You got first prize for your rhubarb pie. You need to go accept your prize.
      So that is what you did with the pie. I guess I can forgive you," Mrs. Hendricks said as she hugged Ronny.
     "Don't forget our hugs," Mr. Hendricks laughed,. "We were in on it too." Mrs. Hendricks gave hugs all around.
     Everyone hurried off to see Mom get first prize. Mr. Hendricks laughed, and said, " We know what this means."
     Ronny and Sarah yelled," A SHOPPING TRIP FOR MOM."

Copyright 2001 Kathleen Hadley


                                                                 " Alligator Baby"
                                                                by Kathleen Hadley

Rachel was dusting the furniture. She couldn't see her little sister. She
could see the movement of her arms and legs as she pushed on
the blanket she was rolled up in.
"What are you doing," she ask Becky.

I'm a baby Alligator, and I live in an egg where I grow and grow.
Today my egg feels to small and I want out.
So I'll call Mom.
Chomp, Chomp, Shout, Shout.

I like to sound like a baby Alligator calling loudly to my Mom.
On the back of my hand I make kissy slurps.
So I'll call Mom .
Chomp, Chomp, Chirp, Chirp.

Rachel laughed at Becky's baby Alligator sounds.
Then she tried to make the sound, and she sounded like a baby Alligator too.
"Where did you learn to do this?" Rachel asked.
"Dad found it on the computer and showed me how to do it.
He told me all about baby Alligators."

I wiggle, squirm, and try hard to get out of my egg. I see light.
I'll claw at my egg, and I'll bump. Then I'll scratch.
Then I'll call Mom.
Chump, Chump, Hatch, Hatch.

I'm rolling around. Mom helps me out so I can stretch my legs, and feel the sun.
I can run all around chomp, see, and play.
Now I see Mom.
Chomp, Chomp, Yay, Yay.

Mom is very big and very strong with lots of teeth. She takes good care of me.
She opens her mouth where I get in and hide.
To the water. Chomp, Chomp, Ride, Ride.

Rachel pretended her arms were a mother Alligators mouth.
She held Becky safe inside.
Becky laughed and laughed.

I ride in Mom's mouth on her tongue. She is gentle. My brothers and sisters ride.
Mom says," Now swim my little hatchlings."
And we do!
Chomp, Chomp, Zing, Zing.

I like to hunt like Mom does. Chomp! I move through the water looking quietly for food.
I eat insects, fish and crustaceans.
I have to grow.
Chomp, Chomp, Yum, Yum.

The water is very big with things to see. Mom says," Be careful where you swim."
There are many dangers so beware."
She's very wise.
Chomp, Chomp, so I'll take care.

There's a bird with long legs. It eats baby Alligators like me, so I hide.
I get under a lily pad, and hold still.
I'll call for Mom.
Chomp, Chomp, I will.

Mom heard me call. She came fast to help. She knows I'm small. I need protection,.
Mom wants me to grow big and stong like she is.
I know she'll come.
Chomp, Chomp, Hiss, Hiss.

I'll be as big as Mom is. Someday I won't have to hide and be so scared.
I'll have babies to listen for, and help out.
They will call me.
Chomp, Chomp, Shout, Shout.

Mom is huge, and everyone listens when she roars. They just get out of her way.
She swims very quietly through the warm swamp.
Her eyes looking.
Chomp,Chomp, Chomp, Chomp.

 Rachel smiled at Becky, and then she flexed her muscles.
So Becky flexed her muscles too.
Rachel felt them , and she said,"I think you are right you are already getting strong.
Just like Mom.
Chomp, Chomp.

                                                Alligator Baby Fact Sheet

Alligator babies have large eyes, and are dark with yellow stripes around their
They spend 65 days in their egg, and then they try to escape. They call and call
to Mom until she comes to help. Mom will carry them in her mouth to the water.
They hatch out from August to September.
At hatching, they are 6-8 inches long.
Mom will offer them protection from predators for one to two years after birth.,
They have many enemies. Raccoons can completely destroy a nest.
Some of their enemies are snakes, wading birds,and Osprey. Even large bass,
garfish and even larger Alligators will eat them.
When it is cold, Mom makes a den to hibenate in, and the young Alligators
crawl in with her.
After they reach 4 feet long their only enemy is man.
Alligators live mainly in fresh water in the southeastern part of the united States
and China.
They grow to be 13 feet long, and weigh 600 pounds.
They can run at speeds up to 20 miles per hour for short distances.
An Alligator in the wild is thought to live from 35-50 years.
The Alligator is a reptile that survived the time of the dinosaur unchanged.
It was hunted almost to extinction, but has made an amazing come back. It is an
important part of Florida's ecosystem.
Find out more about Alligators at:
Copyright 2003 Kathleen Hadley

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