Friday, January 2, 2015

The Joy of Dieting

          WOW! 2015. A brand new year only two days in. The whole year stretches before us with amazing possibilities. I remind myself that anything is possible with some imagination, organization, and enthusiasm. Why can't dieting be a joy? After all the definition of diet is "the usual food and drink of a person. We all have some sort of diet. Admittedly my diet is obviously less restricted then others. Which is why I have come to the point where my diet needs some tweaking if I want to look and feel GREAT not just good. I find food extremely enjoyable when I am bored, sad, happy, excited. I enjoy food. Confidentially I have in my life time been on every diet known to man. If its out there I've tried it. Most of them are successful as long as you adhere to the rules. The minute I go off the diet back comes the weight. I want it off once and for always. The question is how to achieve a fun exciting diet that will stay with me for always.
          This is the first day of the rest of my life, and as I have heard said,"Every journey begins with the first step." This year I am going to lose 52 pounds. Yes, I am going to do it, and best of all I am going to have fun at it. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. There is little hope of me changing the way I eat. I am not an unhealthy eater. I love my fresh fruits and vegetables, but alas I also love gravies and pasta. I like lots of it, so I am going to resort to maintaining my usual diet, and actually eat portion sizes. Since I want to be the size of one person I will eat one portion according to directions. We will see what happens. AN D only three meals a day plus a evening snack. I Shall Be VICTORIOUS! Would anyone like to join me on this journey? Let me know. The more the merrier. I will be attempting to put another heading where I will try to daily post any tips I find that look like fun. If you have some cool tips share them with us. We can make this journey together.