Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My two dogs

It is hard to get a clear picture of Sadie. She blends.

Maisey is waiting at the door for Dad. He is one of her favorite people. She knows he is due home. 
I have been sitting here pulling clumps of hair off Maisey. She dislikes being brushed. Actually she isn't very happy about me pulling it off either. We have had her since she was six weeks old, and of course we think she is too precious for words. She has never liked to be brushed or to have her nails clipped. When Dad is clipping his nails she hides behind me. I guess she thinks I will protect her. This is an illusion. Although I never clip her nails I do brush her, and give her baths. She is very good at baths. When she knows what is going to happen she goes like a man to a hangman's noose and steps into the tub, and looks pitiful even after it is over. Maisey is four and a half years old, and is a Saint Bernard /Samoyed  mix. She has the Saint Bernard color like dad, and the curly tail like mom. She is obsessive about fetch. She would do it continually. My little grandson plays fetch with her until she wears him out then he takes the ball and puts it away. He is six. He learned young to play fetch.
Sadie is our young dog. She is three and a half years old. She is  lab/Newfoundland mix, and looks more like a Lab. She is all personality. She knows how to use those eyes to get what she wants. Of course all she wants is to be loved. That isn't quite true. She is a treat hound. The treats are in a box on the floor. She would never just take a treat, but she stares at the box always hopeful. She likes fetch too. Her and Maisey do relay. Sadie always goes to the back part of the yard while Maisey is up front. I hit the ball with the rachet. Maisey runs, but Sadie is already after the ball, and has it. She goes to Maisey, and Maisey takes it from her mouth, and brings it back to me, and we repeat. There are days when Sadie decides to pester Maisey, and she runs away with the ball. Sadie is a tease. She loves to pester. I think she is Noah's favorite, because she will follow him, and not make him play fetch. He can hang on her, and she loves it. He likes to hold on to her tail. She is okay with it. They are both great dogs, and good companions.

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