Friday, May 17, 2013

It is spring. I love spring. Everything comes to life, and the backyard wars begin. I have many projects that I work at. At this point I have my peas, onions and strawberries planted. The peas and onions are doing great, but the strawberries aren't up yet. The weeds are flourishing too. I know what I will be doing this week end. I am a wanna be gardener. Most of the time I don't know what I am doing. I always thought you dug up the garden, planted the seeds, and up came the plants. Maybe that works in states like Iowa, but I live in Nevada. Nevada is beautiful. I look out on the mountains, and it is inspirational. I look at my garden, and wonder where I went wrong. After several years of trying with minimal success I decided this year to send off a soil sample to have it analyzed, and hopefully they will give me some good advise on fertilizers to use. At this point I wait with bated breathe for the results. I hope it doesn't take to long. I'm anxious to get some more seeds in.

My daughter was hiking a mile from the house , up above the sand pits, and took this picture. It is lovely.

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